UT Southwestern Medical Center

Since 2012, we’ve collaborated with UT Southwestern Medical Center to produce new content and maintain their existing content. We also provide strategic recommendations, using keyword research and metrics to inform our opinions.

UT Southwestern Medical Center


  • Led information architecture and content development for Clements University Hospital, the system’s flagship hospital
  • Developed hundreds of condition and treatment pages that make medical information accessible for UT Southwestern’s unique audience
  • Provided full-service support for the physician profiles project, creating and publishing thousands of profiles since 2012


Utswmed.org is UT Southwestern’s site for prospective patients. We act as an extension of their team on this project, and they turn to us whenever they need new content, content updates, or content strategy.

We’ve developed most of the content on their site; below are some highlights that are most relevant to UTHSA and its new Multispecialty and Research Hospital.

William P. Clements Jr. University Hospital

We helped UT Southwestern create this 46-page section for its main hospital. The section lives within utswmed.org but seeks to stand alone in its experience for visitors — while reusing content that’s relevant to the entire health system.


  • Created a site structure that makes it easy for the audience to accomplish their goals
  • Drafted content that provides clear, useful information so patients and visitors can feel confident about their experience at Clements
  • Applied voice and tone to convey the personality of the institution, preparing visitors for the kind of experience they should expect in person
  • Revised content based on subject matter expert feedback
  • Implemented the content in utswmed.org’s content management system

The goal of the content was to generate excitement about the new hospital at launch. The messaging has evolved as the hospital has developed. We started with a preview of the new hospital, informing the community about the promise of the experience; at its opening, the content focused on promoting its state-of-the-art-features and approach to care. Now the site helps patients and visitors access services and learn how to take advantage of what the location offers.

William P. Clements University Hospital

Conditions and Treatments

We’ve developed hundreds of condition and treatment pages for utswmed.org. Our focus is on translating often technical concepts into language the audience can understand. The pages also promote UT Southwestern’s differentiators — often focusing on innovations and provider expertise that sets them apart from their competitors in the Dallas metroplex.

Our approach mixes research with subject matter expert interviews. To be mindful of the time of the doctors, we collect common background information from reputable sites, especially medical association and government sites. We then focus our time with the experts on identifying differentiators and how UT Southwestern may approach care uniquely.

On these pages, we:

  • Gather information through research and interviews
  • Perform keyword research
  • Identify providers, locations, and other site content that need to be related to the condition or treatment page
  • Draft the content based on web best practices
  • Revise the content, incorporating subject matter expert feedback
  • Copyedit for brand style and voice
  • Implement the content in utswmed.org’s content management system

We also help the utswmed.org team with annual reviews to make sure the condition and treatment content remains accurate and up to date.

UT Southwestern Medical Center conditions and treatments

Provider Profiles

We’ve written thousands of provider profiles for utswmed.org since 2012. The bios help prospective patients understand the expertise of the providers, allowing them to make informed decisions about who they choose for treatment. The profiles also improve search engine optimization.

Our team works closely with a UT Southwestern project manager to create the profiles. UT Southwestern identifies the providers who need profiles, and we take it from there.

Our process for creating this content includes:

  • Coordinating with the provider
  • Gathering information
  • Drafting the content to meet the template, UT Southwestern’s style guide, and web best practices
  • Revising the draft based on feedback from the provider (while maintaining brand standards)
  • Implementing the content in utswmed.org’s content management system
UT Southwestern providers


In addition to patient-focused content, we help UT Southwestern with content for utsouthwestern.edu, its site for researchers and trainees. The approach to this content differs in tone and voice from utswmed.org, but we always focus on implementing web content best practices.

Peter O'Donnell Jr. Brain Institute

Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute

We helped create the content for the O’Donnell Brain Institute site with the goal of better promoting the innovations and impact of their work. 

This project required us to translate research into accessible language that would appeal to researchers as well as patients looking for hope. 

Working with the UT Southwestern team, we:

  • Gathered information through interviews and existing sources as appropriate
  • Drafted content using web best practices
  • Revised content based on feedback from the digital engagement team and department chairs
Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program

Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA) Program

We wrote the content for UT Southwestern’s CTSA program section. The challenge for this project was helping shift the information from an administrative focus to something relevant to the North Texas community.

In this project, we:

  • Gathered information through interviews and existing sources as appropriate
  • Provided advice on the information architecture
  • Drafted content using web best practices
  • Revised content based on feedback from the digital engagement team and CTSA team
O'Donnell School of Public Health

O’Donnell School of Public Health

When UT Southwestern launched its new School of Public Health, they turned to our team to help create engaging content, with a focus on promoting new programs. The audiences for the site included both prospective students and the community. 


  • Interviewed subject matter experts
  • Gathered information from existing sources
  • Drafted content using web best practices
  • Revised content based on feedback from the digital engagement team and School of Public Health team