The Tools We Use: Slickplan for Site Maps
We make a lot of site maps. It's a fundamental step in planning any content or web project. We...
Health Care Focuses Up, and So Does HCIC
The annual Healthcare Internet Conference occurred in November in Orlando, and as usual it offered...
Against Content Minimalism
At the recent 2015 Healthcare Internet Conference in Orlando, several groups presented on content...
What You Should Know About Responsive Design
Let's just agree up front that mobile devices have changed the web and there's no going back. One...
Bring on the Robowriters
I'm being replaced by machines, and I'm okay with it. Over the past few years, several companies...
Poor Image Tags: SEO or Accessibility Issue?
A recent report on on-page SEO by Raven Tools took the data obtained by their Site Auditor...
Show Your Style: Editorial Style Guides
There's fleeting style, and then there's timeless style. You content has a style, too, and it's...
Write What You Know
The first rule of storytelling is “write what you know.” That doesn’t mean you can only write...
The Value of Digging In: Content Inventories
I'm midway through another content inventory, one I'd been putting off for a couple of days while...
Speak Clearly: Voice and Tone
Which of these would be the best way to speak to your audience? "Thoughts? Send 'em our way." "To...